So, as you may recall from the last installment, we had full house change over yesterday which resulted in a LOT of washing. We are very green here at the B&B and have a solar powered clothes drier. Unfortunately, we also have a lot of short but frequent rain showers. This means that I have spent a large part of the day hanging up towels and removing them again from the clothes line. I have totally given up on the tumble drier as the parcel tape which was 'fixing' the condenser leak has ceased to work completely. I put the towels in the drier overnight last night and set the timer to start the drier at midnight in order to make the most of the Economy 7 cheap electric. The drier stopped about 1.30am and then all the water in the condenser leaked back in to the drum to make the towels as wet as they were at the beginning of the whole process. Arrrgghh! Thankfully we currently have bright sunshine and a stiff breeze so I'm hoping the towels dry fairly swiftly.
The new guests are a very nice family. Mum, dad, two grown up children and their spouses. They were very good to us this morning and all asked for the ordinary full english - a breeze. They even had breakfast half an hour later which meant I could watch the England world cup match whilst getting the breakfast ready. However, I have a feeling in my waters that they'll be going poached and boiled tomorrow.
My knee is getting much better today - thank you for your concern. However, I seem to have a shower cleaning related injury to my right hip. I think it was when I was leaning in to polish the tiles at the back of the shower without standing on the clean shower tray. I can't believe that I have a level 2 NVQ in health and safety (I really do) and I failed to do a risk assessment of bathroom cleaning. What with my injuries and Kathryn's cooking related burns I'll be surprised if we make it back to Brighton in one piece.
This evening we're off the charity quiz night down the Scillonian club. I'm aiming high but fear we may be average to mediocre as usual.
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